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Terms and Conditions

By registering with the Arthur School of Art you agree to our Terms & Conditions. Payment in full is required to attend classes. Only students registered may attend classes. The Arthur School of Art reserves the right to cancel classes that don’t meet minimum enrolment requirements. In the event of a class cancellation, notice will be given by email to students one day prior to start date. Students will be refunded fees in full upon cancellation by the Arthur School of Art. 

For classes cancelled by the instructor due to weather or illness, make up class(es) will be arranged or refunds will be provided.

In case of serious emergencies, the school will contact the appropriate authorities, take any necessary steps and (for persons under 18), contact the parent or emergency contact . The Arthur School of Art assumes no liability beyond the terms regulated by its insurers. The Arthur School of Art and its instructors shall not be held liable for any personal injury, or loss of, or theft of, or damage to personal property brought onto or left at the premises. To indicate life-threatening allergies or health concerns, please contact the school directly.

If you have any questions about materials, the studio, or whether a class is right for you, please email me at:

© 2019 Arthur School of Art.

Tel: 519-829-5719

  • Arthur School of Art
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